
The classics among herbs

15/10/2020by Nesten0

Herbs on your balcony will definitely give your meal a boost. In addition, a herb garden also provides you with a flower splendor and delicious aromas. Some classics from the herb garden put in the spotlight. Of course you can always contact us with your questions about herbs, flowers and plants. Finally, we also have beautiful design herb gardens with integrated waste bins in our range


Often a combination of flat parsley (tastes better) and curly parsley (much softer in taste and more used for garnish) is chosen. Parsley does not like excessive sun, it prefers to grow in partial shade.


Is a plant from the garlic family, and you can taste it immediately. They have a nice, mild onion flavor. It is a perennial that will last for several years. The plant blooms with striking purple flowers that are very decorative and even edible. Chives prefer well-fertilized, moist soil. It does well in both the shade and the sun.


It is mainly used in Italian cuisine in combination with tomato, mozzarella, avocado, pine nuts (in pesto), pasta, … Nowadays there are many variants of this popular herb. There are varieties that contain a hint of lemon or lime. Always place basil in a sunny spot and let it hibernate in a pot on a sunny windowsill.


Thyme has a particularly spicy scent and looks a bit like a bush. During flowering, cute flowers appear that can serve to garnish cocktails or dishes. Thyme needs a sunny place.


Rosemary has a Provençal appearance; it is a real flavor enhancer in the kitchen, and also very easy to grow in a sunny and sheltered place. Ideal on a sunny covered terrace


Are you crazy about Provence? Choose a wind-hard lavender and enjoy their intense scent even during the Belgian summers. In addition, lavender attracts butterflies and bees, which can only enhance your summer feeling


Mint is very easy to grow; sometimes too easy because this herb can proliferate. Therefore, choose to plant mint in a pot. Mint likes plenty of sunlight, but it also does well in partial shade.

Lemon balm

This herb has not stolen its name. The plant smells wonderfully of lemon. It is a hardy plant that, once planted, will last for years.


Dill has a very distinct flavor and is ideal for pimping a salmon into gravad lax. However, it is not such an easy plant to grow, so provide well-draining soil and a sunny spot with shelter from the wind.


Sage has long silver-green leaves with blue-purple flowers in summer that brighten up any herb garden. Preferably put it in a pot in a sunny sheltered place


You have supporters and opponents of coriander; however it is a widely used spice that is popular in a variety of cuisines. (couscous, chili con carne,…) It is also an easy to grow plant that likes a warm and sunny spot.


Oregano is a must if you like to make fresh pizzas, but also goes perfectly with soft cheeses. This Oregano can grow a bit larger compared to most herbs, so make sure you have a sufficiently large pot.

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